Abstract Paintings, Works on paper, Flat File Friday

Lately I’ve been making a few paintings a day and noticing a thread with composition, pattern or motif. I’ve started signing and dating them on the back, as I go, to keep current. They become more of a visual diary. Today which is 5/30/21 I had a visit from TT and Gregoire. She made an observation about the early stages of a large grouping called, SouthWest Vibes when it was just a blue diamond pattern minus one corner so it was a tear shaped repeat pattern which was enlightening and for which I am grateful. Good advice - Don’t ignore. And with that I will post. I will make that painting. I can’t wait….What Blue?

I opened this post referring to acrylic, works on paper which as a medium is a relatively new for me. Most of my life I’ve worked with oil on canvas or wood, as with SouthwestExtravaganza which is (16) 24”x24” canvases hung in grid format, Four rows of four. For the past three to four years I’ve been using acrylics part-time while away from the studio. It’s become part of my practice in the studio as well, I find it easy to get into a rhythm. Discovering that the painting will look slightly different the next day, when more dry is something to look forward to. Acrylics have been strictly work on paper getting ready to work oil on canvas. I made one acrylic painting on canvas and did not like my effect at all. It’s acrylic on paper for me.

I have reached the fortunate age to have an elderly mother and have arranged to have a CNA visit daily to bathe and care for her. I sit here and listen to their interaction and realize just how lucky I am. There are two women who alternate days and they are both lovely and caring. It has made such a difference in my mother’s life and in turn ours.
